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M-Akiba Retail Bond

Save Money, Make Money, Build Kenya

EARN 10% TAX FREE return on your investment per year by saving with the M-Akiba bond.

The M-Akiba Bond is a Retail Bond that has been issued by the Government of Kenya (GoK) to raise money to fund infrastructural projects. The bond is available exclusively on phone by dialling *889#. A bond is a loan agreement between a borrower (GoK) and the lender (the general public). The money borrowed is paid back after an agreed period.

M-Akiba is an attractive savings product available for every Kenyan with a good return on investment of 10% per year, it also gives you access to a gold standard capital market financial product that was previously beyond the reach of most Kenyans.

You will be participating in nation building as the bond’s funds are directed to development of infrastructure projects that will lead to growth of Kenya’s economy and prosperity of our people.

  • Raise Kshs. 5 Billion
  • Increase the levels of financial inclusion – through democratizing access to capital markets products
  • Increase financial literacy levels
  • Drive a savings culture through increased investor awareness
  • Stabilize interest rates in the longer term to help reduce the cost of Government debt

  • M-Akiba Bond is a low risk savings/investment product as it is backed by the financial might of the government
  • It is affordable at only Kshs.3,000 as the minimum investment
  • It is a steady source of income (interest paid every six months)
  • The interest income is tax free.
  • It is an effective way of saving for the future while earning interest
  • Very convenient to buy and sell as everything is done using your phone.
  • It is confidential and secure
  • You have a guaranteed exit option. That is, you can sell the bond from anywhere within normal trading hours (Weekdays from 9.00am -3.00pm)
  • You can transact from anywhere through your mobile phone.